Monday, March 5, 2012

The Significance Of Pregnancy Period

When do people start to learn?  Most people may think it would be after birth, but the right answer is when they are in their mother's womb.

Surprisingly, fetuses literally learn many things. For example, they learn their mother's voices. This is why after their birth, they can recognize them and they prefer listening to them. Also they can acquire not only the taste but also the smell. At the point of seventh month of a pregnancy, fetuses' gustatory and olfactory organs are fully functioning. Therefore, they can experience what their mothers eat during the gestation through umbilical cord and tend to be fond of it after birth. In short, we can say that mothers' nutritional status or conditions can affect their babies and the influence might decide their later likes and dislikes.

What made me more surprised was the fact that fetus can feel their mother's emotion as well, and they are readily influenced by that. For instance, the mother with post-traumatic stress syndrome while being pregnant can transmit their mental vulnerability to their babies. 

These things indicate that mothers unconsciously teach their children about what the new world is like. In short, mothers are making them prepare in order to make them easily adapt to their new world. I think this video wants to say that the pregnancy period is a special term, it is very important, and this is why expectant mothers have to be attentive to their condition.

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